Tired of pouring weeks of your time into launch copy that only converts at industry standard (or lower...)?

Outsell the competition,
with half the effort.

Custom launch strategy & copy all DFY by an expert sales copywriter. Works for courses, services, memberships and group programs.


You’ve created a great offer!

You know it works and gets amazing results for people.

But how do you get people to understand just how unique it is?

It feels like your copy just isn’t doing it justice – and the conversion rates concur.

You know the incredible impact your work has on people but when you try to put it into words it just comes out a jumbled mess…

What if you could have people lining up at the door to buy from day 1 of your launch?


"Over six figures in revenue right out of the gate."

“Working with Cheryl has been the most refreshing and impactful experience. Cheryl’s work on our sales page not only took our results from 2% to 8% conversion (amazing!), but she came to the table with insight, recommendations and hands-on attention that resulted in our first launch with a new company generating over six figures in revenue right out of the gate.

If you want expert attention on your sales page and focus on what will actually move the needle in your business, you need Cheryl!

SARAH CAMPBELL • advance expert network

It’s completely possible with

Custom Launch Strategy & Copy

With my years of experience as a conversion copywriter and marketing coach, I’ve helped my clients refine their messaging, ideal client avatars, and offers so their audience understood the impact of their offers – without having to convince their audience of the value.

When you work with me, you’ll get the strategy, copy, and support you need to refine every part of your launch – so they connect deeply and convert effortlessly (no matter what launch method you’re currently using).

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What this means for you?


Your launches will get better results without making them bigger or working harder – because your audience will understand the value of your offer and why now is the time to buy.


You’ll be able to reach (and convert) more of the right people – because your offer will be positioned in a way that only speaks to your right-fit clients.


No more day 1 jitters hoping people are going to buy. You’ll have a strategy that has people lining up to buy the minute you open your cart.


And all this without having to write the copy yourself. Meaning you’ll have the energy to serve your (many) new clients once your launch is over – instead of flatlining for 5 days trying to recover!


"She totally nailed our tone of voice"

Cheryl is such a delight to work with! She not only spun up some beautiful words that totally nailed our tone of voice, but she’s got the added bonuses of a really sharp marketing brain, so it’s not just pretty words with no substance.

Cheryl’s pages are as strategic as they are hilarious, and I couldn’t recommend her more.


Hey, I’m Cheryl

A conversion copywriter, launch strategist, and messaging expert. 

I’ve worked with hundreds of coaches, course creators, and membership owners to refine their messaging, offers, and unique frameworks so they can make more sales without pushing themselves to the brink of exhaustion with ever-growing launches and funnels.

People who’ve worked with me refer to me as “the unicorn” because of my unique combo of experience and talents that allow me to see the problem in your launch – normally within minutes…

Now you can tap into my years of copywriting and marketing experience to get a custom launch strategy and copy for your entire launch, so your launches start converting at a rate that allows you to not just coast… but soar.


The Custom Launch Strategy & Copy Package

Let me create your custom launch strategy and write your copy so your next launch feels effortless!

Here’s What’s Included

Limitless Launch Strategy

This is where the magic happens. I’ll craft a killer launch strategy that gets those sales, without all the hard work that goes into showing up live on camera all the time.

Prelaunch Email Copy

The foundation of any good launch includes a prelaunch strategy. No hype – just a solid plan to shift your audience’s beliefs so they’re ready to buy before you even open the doors. With the added bonus of you not having to lift a finger to write it yourself!

Sales Page Copy

At the heart of any great launch is a sales page that handles all types of buyers’ potential questions and objections.

Your audience will understand the value of your offer and why now is the time to buy with a sales page written by an expert conversion copywriter. Don’t settle for less!

Sales Email Copy

Follow up with sales emails that seal the deal. I’ll create and write story-based emails that your audience loves to read and helps them make a buying decision with ease.


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